Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Influenza Relief Combo

Indications: A homeoapathic combination pack with two single remedies Eupatorium Perfoliatum and Gelsemium Sempervirens for relief of symptoms associated with influenza. 
Influenza Relief Combo

Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Eupatorium Perfoliatum is useful in flu, hay fever, intermittent fever, chikunguiniya and dengue fever. It is indicated in various types of intermittent fever. Influenza with great soreness of muscles and great thirst; extreme aching in arms, wrists, and bones of extremities. Insatiable thirst before and during chill and fever. 

Gelsemium Sempervirens: Gelsemium Sempervirens is especially suitable for any and every type of fever and flu. It helps in intermittent, remittent or continuous fever. The patient is thirstless and nervous before the chill. Chill especially along the spine, running up and down the back in rapid wave like succession from sacrum to occiput. Pulse is slow, soft and compressible. There is long and exhausting heat with muscular soreness. Gelsemium Sempervirens is also prophylactic against influenza and also cures its complications like paresis and paralysis occuring after flu.

Directions: Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve in few minutes time. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food. Similarly take the second remedy after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose.
Ingredients: Influenza Relief Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:
1. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz)

2. GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Constipation Relief Combo

Indications: A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Alumen and Kali Muriaticum for relief of constipation. 

Constipation Relief Combo
Alumen: Alumen is a chief remedy for the treatment of constipation. Constipation with no desire to pass stools for days. Stools are hard, knotty and discharged with much difficulty with sick headache in the morning. Long lasting pain in the rectum after each stool with painful bleeding and itching in the anus. Sensation of dryness and constriction with obstinate constipation especially in elderly people. 

Kali Muriaticum: Kali Muriacitum is a useful remedy for constipation. Pain in stomach with constipation. Constipation with light coloured stools due to sluggish action of liver or as a consequence of jaundice.

Directions: Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve in few minutes time. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food. Similarly take the second remedy after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose. 

Ingredients:  Constipation Relief Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:
1. ALUMEN 30C HPUS - 750 pellets (1oz)
2. KALI MURIATICUM 6X HPUS - 250 tablets (1oz)
Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use. 

Regd Off: 9E,Loockerman Street,St.205,Dover, Delaware 19901 USA
Tel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938 
www.rxhomeo.com Email: info@rxhomeo.com

Nasal Polypi Treatment Combo

A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Teucrium Marum and Thuja Occidentalis for the treatment of symptoms associated with nasal polypi. 

Teucrium Marum:Teucrium Marum is a chief remedy for many complaints of the nose like nasal catarrh, nasal polyp and coryza. Teucrium Marum helps in catarrhal condition of both anterior and posterior nostrils. There is discharge of large irregular clinkers. It is also indicated in mucous nasal polypus. Coryza, with stoppage of nostrils. Crawling in nostrils with lachrymation and sneezing. 

Thuja Occidentalis:Thuja Occidentalis is useful in polypus with nasal sinusitis. There is bad smell from the nose with greenish discharge. There are also ulcerations in the nostrils. 

Directions:  Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve in few minutes time. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food. Similarly take the second remedy after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose.

Ingredients: Nasal Polypi Treatment Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:

1. TEUCRIUM MARUM 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz)2. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz )

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use.

Sciatica Treatment Combo

A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Colocynthis and Gnaphalium for relief of sciatica pain. 

Ingredients: Sciatica Treatment Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:1. COLOCYNTHIS 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz)
Colocynthis is indicated in sciatica especially left sided. There is crampy pain in the hip, as though screwed in a vice. Pain is of shooting type, like lightning shocks extending down the whole limb. Pain down both hips and thighs and also sometimes from hip to back of knee. It is a drawing cramping, tearing pain better from heavy pressure, lying on affected side and heat. Left sided neuralgia with tearing shooting pains and swelling of face. Contraction of muscles causing limbs to be drawn together.

2. GNAPHALIUM 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz ) 
Gnaphalium is a chief remedy for sciatica with pain and numbness of the part affected. Intense pain along the sciatic nerve. Numbness alternates with pain. It is also useful in chronic muscular rheumatism of the back and neck. Chronic backache with numbness of the lower part of back and weight in pelvis. Frequent pains in calves and feet. Better by drawing limbs up, flexing the thigh on abdomen.

Regd Off: 9E,Loockerman Street,St.205,Dover, Delaware 19901 USA
Tel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938 
www.rxhomeo.com Email: info@rxhomeo.com  

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Back Pain Relief Combo

A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Rhus Toxicodendron and Magnesia Phosphorica for relief of back pain. 

Ingredients: Back Pain Relief Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:

1. RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz) 
Rhus toxicodendron is a chief remedy for backache caused due to too much summer bathing in river or lake, lying on damp ground or straining. Pain between the shoulders and small of the back. There is pain with stiffness and pain on swallowing. Backache is worse by sitting and lying and is better by motion, lying on hard surface. Rhus Toxicodendron is also useful in injuries to back, joints and ankles. Pain as if the bones were scrapped with a knife and the effected parts are sore to touch. There is great restlessness, anxiety and apprehension due to pain. Patient cannot stay in bed at one place. Always wants to be moved.

 6X HPUS 250 tablets (1oz) 
Magnesia Phosphorica: Magnesia Phosphorica has marked action on back ache. Pains are sharp, cutting and almost unendurable. Pains rapidly changing place and of cramping type with general muscular weakness.

Regd Off: 9E,Loockerman Street,St.205,Dover, Delaware 19901 USA
Tel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938 
www.rxhomeo.com Email: info@rxhomeo.com  

Key attributes of homeopathic single remedy Camphora

Key attributes of homeopathic single remedy Camphora are Chills And Sneezing, Cholera, Fever, Measles and its sequelae. 

Camphora has marked action on chills and sneezing. Icy coldness of the body. Body cold to touch yet cannot bear to be covered. Congestive chill. Great coldness of the surface with sudden and complete prostration. Pulse is weak and small. Sensation of internal heat and external coldness. It also helps in sneezing with exceedingly sensitiveness to cold air.

Regd Off: 9E,Loockerman Street,St.205,Dover, Delaware 19901 USA
Tel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938 
www.rxhomeo.com Email: info@rxhomeo.com

Key attributes of homeopathic single remedy Pilocarpus

Key attributes of homeopathic single remedy Pilocarpus are Eye Strain, Profuse sweating, Skin Problems. 

Indications: Pilocarpus has a marked action on various skin problems with profuse sweating. Excessive perspiration from all parts of the body with persistent dryness of the skin. It is also useful in dry eczema. There is chilliness with sweat. The sweat and saliva produced is enormous in quantity.  PILOCARPUS 

Regd Off: 9E,Loockerman Street,St.205,Dover, Delaware 19901 USA
Tel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938 
www.rxhomeo.com Email: info@rxhomeo.com