Monday, June 29, 2015

General Homeopathy Varicose Veins Relief Combo

General Homeopathy Varicose Veins Relief Combo

General Homeopathy - Hypotension Treatment Combo

General Homeopathy   

Hypotension Treatment Combo 

Symptomatic relief from hypotension or low blood pressure. 

  • 100% Natural
  • No Side Effects 
  • Soft Tablets or Pellets Dissolve Instantly 
  • Combo drugs selected by experienced professionals 

Indications: A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Viscum Album 30 and Lycopodium Clavatum 30 for the treatment of symptoms associated with low blood pressure or hypotension. 
Viscum Album: Viscum Album is a chief remedy for lowered blood pressure. The pulse is slow, small and weak. The patient cannot rest in reclining position. There is persistent vertigo.

Lycopodium Clavatum: Lycopodium Clavatum is indicated in hypotension in people who are thin, withered, lacking vital heat, and has poor circulation. Malnutrition leading to low blood pressure. There is palpitation at night and the patient cannot lie on left side. Liverish hue of brownish patches on the skin. 
Directions:  Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve in few minutes time. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food. Similarly take the second remedy after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose. 
Ingredients: Hypotension Treatment Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:
1. VISCUM ALBUM 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz)
2. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz )

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General Homeopathy Varicose Veins Relief Combo

General Homeopathy Varicose Veins Relief Combo

Product Information

Symptomatic relief from varicose veins

  • 100% Natural
  • No Side Effects 
  • Soft Tablets or Pellets Dissolve Instantly 
  • Combo drugs selected by experienced professionals 

Indications: A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Hamamelis Virginiana and Calcarea Flourica for the treatment of symptoms associated with varicose veins. 

Hamamelis Virginiana: Hamamelis virginiana has marked action on varicosities. It chiefly effects the veins and capillaries. Varicose veins may be in oesophagus ( oesophageal varices), rectum( piles ), abdomen, legs, pampiniform plexus of veins of scrotum. Veins dilate, elongate and become tortuous and bleed easily. Blood is dark, ulceration of the varicose veins. Extreme soreness of the part. Scarcely able to to move because of pain.  

Calcarea Flourica:  Calcarea Flourica is a chief remedy for varicose and enlarged vein. Valvular diseases with varicose or enlarged veins. Varicose veins especially of vulva in females. 

Directions:  Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve in few minutes time. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food. Similarly take the second remedy after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose.

Ingredients: Varicose Veins Relief Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:

1. HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz)
2. CALCAREA FLOURICA 6X HPUS - 250 tablets (1oz)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Homeopathy Tinnitus or noises in ear Relief Combo

Tinnitus or noises in ear Relief Combo

A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Graphites
and Kali Muriaticum for the treatment of symptoms associated with
tinnitus or noises in ear.

 Indications: A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Graphites and
 Kali Muriaticum for the 
treatment of symptoms associated with tinnitus or noises in ear. 
 Graphites: Graphites has marked action in treating ear disorders like tinnitus or noises in
 The patient 
hears better when in a noise, when riding in a carriage or when there is rumbling
 sound. Loss of hearing with 
dryness of ears. Cracking, humming and roaring in ears.
 There is swelling of the glands under the ear. Hissing 
sounds in ear.

Kali Muriaticum: Kali Muriaticum is a chief head remedy for noises in the ear.
Noises such as moving of train, 
sounds of birds. Snapping and cracking noise while swallowing or
blowing nose. Kali Muriaticum also helps in 
chronic catarrhal conditions of the middle ear with
noises in the ear. There is deafness from swelling of 
external ear and throat troubles.
There is great effusion about the auricle. It also helps in glandular swellings 
and in infectious
diseases of children. Glands about the ear are swollen.
Kali Muriaticum also helps in deafness 
due to blow.

Directions:  Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve in
 few minutes time. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food.
 Similarly take the second remedy 
after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember
 the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose.
act=viewProd&productId=372&pName=Tinnitus+Relief combo

General Homeopathy - Nasal Polypi Treatment Combo

Nasal Polypi Treatment Combo

Symptomatic relief of nasal polypi
  • 100% Natural
  • No Side Effects 
  • Soft Tablets or Pellets Dissolve Instantly 
  • Combo drugs selected by experienced professionals 

Indications: A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Teucrium Marum and Thuja Occidentalis for the treatment of symptoms associated with nasal polypi. 

Teucrium Marum : Teucrium Marum is a chief remedy for many complaints of the nose like nasal catarrh, nasal polyp and coryza. Teucrium Marum helps in catarrhal condition of both anterior and posterior nostrils. There is discharge of large irregular clinkers. It is also indicated in mucous nasal polypus. Coryza, with stoppage of nostrils. Crawling in nostrils with lachrymation and sneezing

Thuja Occidentalis : Thuja Occidentalis is useful in polypus with nasal sinusitis. There is bad smell from the nose with greenish discharge. There are also ulcerations in the nostrils. 

Directions:  Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve in few minutes time. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food. Similarly take the second remedy after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose.

Ingredients: Nasal Polypi Treatment Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:
1. TEUCRIUM MARUM 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz)2. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz )

Wednesday, June 3, 2015