Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Beech Bach Flower Remedies

Beech Bach Flower Remedies

Beech Bach Flower Remedies

Beech Bach Flower Remedies

Key attributes of Bach Flower Beech Remedy are Intolerance and Fault Finding.

Key Word - Tolerance | Bach Group - Overcare & Concern
Beech helps those who need to establish a more loving, lenient and flexible relationship with themselves and with those around them. Criticism, judgement and intolerance are very common personality traits in today’s world where they are often seen as acceptable ways of instilling discipline in children as they grow up. However when these traits are not balanced with enough love the result is an individual who is constantly critical, intolerant and judgemental of themselves and others. Being easily irritated by others habits, having a very fixed outlook on life or so sensitive to criticism from others that it is difficult to benefit from life’s lessons, are all indications of the need for this remedy.

  • 100% Natural
  • No Side Effects
  • Soft Tablets
  • Also known as Flower Remedy 

Indications: Fault finding nature is the key symptom to call for this Remedy. It is best indicated for those who are constantly criticizing others, intolerance of any shortcomings in acquaintances. Beech is the best-suited remedy for people who cannot make any compromises in life, when it comes to extracting work etc. Other people easily irritate them with their accomplishments. They are convinced that they are always right and everyone else in wrong. Beech helps you to appreciate others in spite of their imperfections. The use of this remedy teaches one to be able to accept and look beyond differences and helps to become more tolerant. Beech can instill a sense of compassion for unity with others, such as co-workers, and friends.

Registered Off: 9 E, Loockerman Street, St. 205, Dover, Delaware 19901 USARegistered Agent at this address is Business Filings Incorporated.
Process Center: 4-1-424 to 426, Bank Street, Abids, Hyderabad # 500001 IndiaTel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938
www.rxhomeo.com Email: info@rxhomeo.com

Rxhomeo,inc: General Homeopathy - Bach Flower Remedies- Crab Ap...

Rxhomeo,inc: General Homeopathy - Bach Flower Remedies- Crab Ap...: General Homeopathy - Bach Flower Remedies Crab Apple Remedy Bach Flower - Crab Apple (Malus Pumila) www.rxhomeo.com Crab Appl...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

General Homeopathy - Bach Flower Remedies - Agrimony Remedy

General Homeopathy - Bach Flower Remedies - 

Agrimony Remedy

Product Information

Key attributes of Bach Flower Agrimony Remedy are Mental Torment behind a brave face.

  • 100% Natural
  • No Side Effects
  • Soft Tablets
  • Also known as Flower Remedy
Indications: Agrimony is indicated for those who hide their troubles from themselves and others. This Flower Remedy helps those who appear carefree and humorous, but actually they hide behind their anxieties, worries and inner pain and fears. They avoid arguments and confrontations. They dislike being alone and are very sociable, seeking company as a distraction and may use alcohol, drugs, food, or work to escape their pain. Agrimony Teaches honesty about feelings and the ability to express them. Agrimony helps them express their pain, fears and worries, moreover their cheerfulness will come from within, instead of covering up pain and worries..

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please refer the FAQ page or call toll free 1.888.2896642. 

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use. 

Rxhomeo only sells online via its Web sites. The company offers a comprehensive product cataloguing system, integrated with a range of searching mechanisms, which enable customers to select products with precision. Selling is enhanced by additional product information (synopses, excerpts, reviews) from various sources. Matching services between customers and products (in accordance with customer preferences) are also available, as are a series of recommendation services.
Ordering is via a simple shopping cart. Customers are given a choice of secure or standard servers. Order confirmation is sent to customers via email. Customers pay by using credit card.

Orders are shipped to virtually any address in the world. The world is divided into few shipping zones, each with its options based on shipping time and is priced accordingly. 


Registered Off: 9 E, Loockerman Street, St. 205, Dover, Delaware 19901 USA
Registered Agent at this address is Business Filings Incorporated.

Process Center: 4-1-424 to 426, Bank Street, Abids, Hyderabad # 500001 India
Tel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938
www.rxhomeo.com Email: info@rxhomeo.com