Back Ache
Before making use of the remedies given below, make sure to consult your physician and only after confirmation, administer the remedies.
Pain in the back.
Pain in the back.
- If due to exertion, then take Arnica 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
Can apply Arnica ointment locally. - If due to rheumatism, if pain becomes more due to movement, then take Bryonia 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
- If due to rheumatism, if the pain reduces after the movement, then take Rhus Tox 6 or 30- two globules 3 times a day.
- If the back bone gets hurt and muscles are injured, then take Arnica 6 or 30, Ruta 30, Rhus Tox 6 or 30,Hypericum 6 or 30- take two globules of each 3 times a day.
- If the lower back side is aching, check for kidney problem.