Sunday, June 29, 2014

Warts Treatment Combo

A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Thuja Occidentalis and Antimonium Crudum for relief of warts

Thuja Occidentalis: Thuja Occidentalis is a chief remedy for symptoms associated with warts. The skin looks very unhealthy. Warts on any part of the body with a little stalk called fig-warts, tubular warts, flat warts, black senile warts, even condylomata may be seen. Dirty brownish color of the skin, brownish-white, mottle spots on the skin. There may also be white, scaly, dry eruptions on the skin. Eruptions only on covered parts of the body. 

Antimonium Crudum: Antimonium Crudum has marked action on warts and corns. The skin becomes thick at various places. Eruptions like boils and blisters, dry scaly eruptions with burning and itching. Worse at night. Antimonium Crudum also helps in corns and warts on hands and soles of feet. Very sensitive when walking, especially over stone pavements. Feet have large, horny and painful corns. 

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