Friday, June 20, 2014

Key attributes of homeopathic single remedy Phosphorus -

Phosphorus is a chief remedy for hoarseness and laryngitis with aphonia and painful larynx. It is a remedy for clergymen's sore throat. There is violent tickling in larynx with rawness. Cannot talk on account of pain in larynx. Hoarseness is worse in evening, while talking, laughing, reading and in cold air. Phosphorus is also useful in cough when usually left side of chest is affected. There is a sensation of weight on chest. Cough hard, dry with congestion of lung. Rusty sputum with sharp stitching pain in chest. It is also indicated in hepatisation stage of pneumonia. The upper left lobe of lung is affected. Cough and pain worse on lying on left side, while going from warm room to cold, and towards evening. Better by lying on right side.

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