Monday, June 23, 2014

Gout Relief Combo (

Symptomatic relief from Gout 

Indications:  A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Benzoicum Acidum and Ammonium Phosphoricum for relief of gout. FB:Rxhomeo

Benzoicum Acidum: Benzoicum Acidum has marked action in treating conditions like gout. Pains go from left right. Rheumatism and gout caused due to suppressed gonorrhoea and syphillis. Pains tearing, stitching in large joints especially of big toe. Pains suddenly change their location. Gouty concretions with nodosities in joints, due to deposition of uric acid. There are cracking sounds in the joints. Rheumatism alternating between the extremities. Benzoicum Acidum is also useful in ganglion of wrist and bunion of great toe.

Ammonium Phosphoricum: Ammonium Phosphoricum is well indicated in chronic gouty patients with uric acid diathesis. There is nodosities of the joints of the fingers and back of the hands. There is also pain in shoulder joint. Ammonium Phosphoricum also helps in heaviness of limbs with unsteady and tottering gait. There is coldness of the parts from least draft of air.

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