Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Migraine Relief Combo -- www.rxhomeo.com

Indications: A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Iris Versicolor and Belladonna for relief of migraine headache. 
Iris Versicolor: Iris Versicolor is a chief remedy for migrane. There is headache on the right front and temples, beginning with a blur before the eyes, usually relapsing after mental strain. Headache with nausea. Facial neuralgia spreading over the entire face, after breakfast. FB:Rxhomeo

Belladonna: Belladonna has marked action in treating headache due to cold or heat of sun, from haircut. Sudden and violent headache. Intense periodical nervous congestive headache. Rush of blood to head with pulsation of cerebral arteries. Throbbing, hammering and jerking headache worse from slight motion, jar, noise light, touch, lying down. Better by tight bandage. Belladonna also helps in vertigo caused by stooping or rising after stooping or change of position.
Directions:  Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve on tongue. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food. Similarly take the second remedy after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose.

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